Military Saves Month was held April 1-30, 2022, and was a national conversation that encouraged individuals to do a financial wellness check-in, set goals, and take action toward improving their financial stability.
- 413 institutions participated from various sectors, including government agencies, academia, non-profit organizations, financial institutions, and more.
- Over $32M was deposited into new and existing savings accounts by military personnel and their families showing a commitment to saving even during economic uncertainty.
- 8,006 individuals set up new savings accounts or deposited into an existing savings account. And over 9,600 individuals either set up automatic savings or increased the amount they saved automatically.
- Our 413 participating organizations reached over 3.4M military members and their families during Military Saves Month 2022. Military Savers were empowered with messages encouraging a positive journey to saving and actionable resources to help them on their path to financial resilience.
View The Military Saves Month 2022 Report Here