Finding Money to Save

If you’re looking to get started on saving, here are some easy ways to build your wealth every day. Be sure to check out our other resources to help you build your way towards your financial goals.
Monthly Savings
Yearly Savings
Save $.50 a day in loose change
Monthly Savings $15
Yearly Savings $180
Cut soda/pop consumption by 1 liter a week
Monthly Savings $6
Yearly Savings $72
At work, substitute 1 coffee for 1 cappuccino
Monthly Savings $40
Yearly Savings $480
Bring lunch to work (saving estimated $5/day)
Monthly Savings $100
Yearly Savings $1200
Eat out 2 fewer times a month
Monthly Savings $30
Yearly Savings $360
Borrow, rather than buying, one book a month
Monthly Savings $15
Yearly Savings $180
Comparison shop for gas (save est. $.25/gallon)
Monthly Savings $4
Yearly Savings $48
Maintain checking account minimum to avoid fees
Monthly Savings $7
Yearly Savings $84
Bounce one less check a month
Monthly Savings $30
Yearly Savings $360
Pay credit card bill on time to avoid late fee
Monthly Savings $25
Yearly Savings $300
Pay off $1000 of credit card debt, reducing interest
Monthly Savings $15
Yearly Savings $180

Take the Military Saves Pledge

Want inspiration and motivation on your savings journey? Take the Military Saves Pledge today and create a simple personal savings plan that works!

General - Create Goals

Develop a long-term plan for financial readiness by creating financial goals and striving for milestones. Positive outcomes usually start with a goal and a vision.

Check out savings journeys from savers just like you

Building a Six-Figure Savings While Enjoying Life


Does the idea of saving up hundreds of thousands of dollars seem impossible? How about doing it while still living an enjoyable lifestyle?

Involving Kids in Family Finances


One of the best lessons we can share with our kids is about money. By middle school, kids should have a g...

Automatic Savings

Making Saving Automatic Leads to Personal Success


Ryan’s savings journey started when he was an active duty airman. Frequent deployments and temporary duty...

How Smart Financial Decisions Can Create Opportunities 

11.22.2019 By Stephen Ross, America Saves Program Coordinator

From Shopaholic to Saver


Many of us spend too much money on things we don’t need, but we don’t always know why. It’s easy to get a...



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